
Car polishes and sealants for the perfect finish in the bodyshop

From silicone-free grinding polishes to water-based high gloss finish sealers, waxes and electric polishing machines: your bodyshop is ideally equipped with the high-quality polishing products from Carsystem. We recommend our polishing pads for high-quality paint preparation and optimal processing of sanding polishes. Our polishing pads are available in a wide range of designs and qualities. Carsystem’s different polishing systems are perfectly coordinated and are suitable for removing sanded imperfections and deep scratches on fresh or hardened top coats, as well as for the safe removal of fine scratches and holograms. With our large selection of absorbent and lint-free microfibre cloths, you have the optimal cloth for every step of the work. Polishing machines from RUPES complement our product portfolio and ensure the perfect finish in combination with our polishes, pads and matching finish back pads.

Carsystem Lammfell Pad

Lamb wool pad

Lamb Woll Pad White S

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Carsystem Polish C-05 cut Schleifpaste

High performance cutting compunds

Polish C-05 cut

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Carsystem Polish C-07 cut Schleifpolitur

High performance cutting compounds

Polish C-07 cut

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Carsystem Polish C-10

High performance cutting compounds

Polish C-10 strong

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Anti hologram polish

Polish C-30 finish

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Carsystem C-Wax C-80 Hochglanzversiegelung

High gloss finish sealer

C-Wax C-80

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Carsystem Refinish 1 Schleifpaste

Cutting compounds

Refinish 1

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Carsystem Nano Carnauba Wax

High gloss wax

Nano Carnauba Wax

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